September 29, 2021


 A letting go haiku

Seven days later,
I woke up to sky, sea and
a never seen sun


Two black bugs and sixteen red ants

Originally published in IBW on Feb 7, 2012

Frank went deep into the bush
Hiding from his father’s stare
Saving himself from Amanda’s eyes

Amanda is more a mother than sister
And he finds her more intimidating
Than the wild bugs in the bush

He eyed two black bugs crawling chameleon
Frank picked one by one balancing in his two wannabe fingers
Dropped them immediately into the empty jam bottle

Then, he looked for preys here and there, all around and over
Not finding anything interesting and little upset
He settled for the tiny red ants on the tree above him

Sixteen red ants, venomous and perfect
Then closing the bottle lid quickly
Frank lounged quietly as he shook the bottle intermittently

The two black bugs and the cavalry of sixteen red ants
Fought historic epic battle till they all tossed for life
And eventually died to the eight year old’s whim.
